We’re proud to represent KC at this year’s 2022 National Conference on Ending Unsheltered Homelessness
The National Alliance to End Homelessness is hosting the 2022 national virtual conference “Ending Unsheltered Homelessness: Strategies & Policies That Work” on Feb. 16-18. The conference will bring together providers, system leaders, advocates, people with lived expertise, and others from across the country to address a national crisis that has become the focal point for homelessness in America.
Kansas City Leaders at This Year’s Conference
Many leaders from the GKCCEH team are attending the conference including Executive Director Marqueia Watson and some of our members with lived expertise. Kansas City leader City Manager Brian Platt will also be in attendance.
Watson and Platt are both on the “Positive Approached to Police Engagement with Encampments” panel to discuss Kansas City’s policy around encampments with other leaders from around the United States.
Watson and GKCCEH partner Matthew Simmonds are also featured speakers at the session “Understanding the Importance of (and Best Practices for) Your Unsheltered Point-In-Time Count.”
To view the full conference agenda, click here.

Spotlight on Executive Director Marqueia Watson

Our Executive Director Marqueia Watson is the main leader representing GKCCEH at this year’s conference. We are proud of all she continues to achieve for the good of the city. Here’s a little more about what makes her such a great representative of the community!
Watson is more passionate about anti-homelessness work than she is about any other personal, professional, or educational things she’s pursued in her life. “I can’t stop won’t stop,” Watson said. Though the work she does is serious, she tries her best to have fun. “I love the outdoors and spending time camping in the summer. I also love hiking and swimming. I’m from the coast and feel most at peace when I’m near a body of water,” Watson said. She also enjoys cooking (especially Asian-inspired dishes) and instead of having children, has two bossy-but-cute chihuahuas.
Get Involved
As the event begins today, registration to watch has closed. Be sure to follow NAEH on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to stay updated on highlights from the conference!