The HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Lead Agency
About the Continuum of Care
CoC Responsibilities
Leading The Charge
- Developing a community-wide process for coordination amongst relevant stakeholders
- Preparing and submitting the application to HUD on behalf of the entire
- Continuum of Care membership (Locally, the annual grant award for this program is approximately $13 Million)
- Designing/Implementing a centralized, Coordinated Entry System for access to housing and supportive services
- Conducting a sheltered and unsheltered Point-in-Time count
- Collecting and reporting community data as required by HUD
- Developing, in collaboration with ESG recipients, written standards for providing assistance within the CoC
- Establishing performance targets and evaluating outcomes of projects for which Continuum of Care and Emergency Solutions Grants funds are awarded
- Monitoring grant recipients and sub-recipients and enforcing compliance with HUD program standards and requirements
Goals and engagement
About the Continuum of Care Program
The CoC Program was created through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act As Amended by S.896 Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act of 2009.
A Continuum of Care represents a community’s system-wide response to homelessness and is responsible for the coordinating and implementation of a housing service system that meets the needs of persons who are homeless throughout its geography.
Goals of the Continuum of Care Program
- Promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness
- Provide funding for efforts to quickly re-house individuals and families who are homeless which minimizes the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness
- Promote effective use of and access to mainstream programs
- Optimize self-sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing homelessness
At a minimum, the homeless system should include:
- Street Outreach
- Engagement
- Assessment
- Emergency Shelter
- Permanent Housing
- Supportive Services
- Prevention Strategies
To achieve the intended purpose of the CoC Program, the community must be fully engaged. CoC membership should include relevant organizations in its geographic area to carry out the responsibilities of the HUD CoC Program Interim Rule (24 CFR 578).
CoC Stakeholders may include some or all of the following:
- Non-profit homeless assistance providers
- Victim services providers
- Faith-based organizations
- Governments
- Businesses
- Advocates
- Public Housing Agencies
- Healthcare and Behavioral Health Providers
- School Districts
- First Responders
- Persons with Lived Experience
(Source: Adapted from HUD Exchange resources)